Forgiving My Abuser

  I sat at the desk in my hotel room staring at my computer screen, unable to type for what seemed like hours.  I had traveled away from home for a few days to work on my book but now I felt paralyzed to write even one word.  I finally gave up, and, as I had done...

Her Pastor Molested Her

Olivia reached out to me last week to share part of her story. She gave me permission to share it because she really wants to help other people on their journey to healing. Thank you so much for your courage, Olivia.    Hi Justin, When I found out you were writing...

The Day My “Abuser” Contacted Me

  The spring of 2011 should have been the happiest time of my life.  I was newly engaged to my best friend and the love of my life, Emily, and we were planning our wedding and honeymoon together.  We had decided to enroll in scuba diving classes- a lifelong dream...

Forgiveness Or Accountability?

Open discussion~When abuse takes place: 1.  Is it ever the victims fault?  2.  Should the victim forgive, or should the abuser be held accountable even if it exposes the church?  Cult minded churches blame the victims of physiological, physical, and sexual abuse.  To...

Is your church cult minded?

  Recently I’ve been questioned on my use of the phrase “cult minded” when referencing the church I grew up in.  In my research I have found the following checklist from the Cult Education Institute to be very helpful and informative.  You can...